Bay Cities COVID-19 Response
Bay Cities is considered an essential business as we are a vital part of the supply chain of our customers. As such we will continue to operate our manufacturing and packout facilities to service our customers and the community. We are abiding by the CDC recommendations with regard to creating a safe environment for our employees who operate our facilities.
At the plant, we have wrapped all knobs, controls, screens and anything a human can touch with stretch wrap. This stretch wrap is only touched by the same person during a shift and is pulled off, disinfected and reapplied at the change of a shift. Everyone is wearing a mask. The lunches are staggered and we have dividers placed on each table. While eating lunch 6 foot apart, dividers will be adding an extra layer of protection.
As a next step to keep all our employees safe while at work, we purchased a portable UV sanitizer. The UV sanitizer kills pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, by damaging the cell’s DNA resulting in the cell’s loss of ability to properly function and replicate. Within seconds of exposure pathogens should be killed. The machine has a 99.99% effectiveness in killing COVID-19. We decided to go with this machine to diminish our chemical use on-site. It helps to remove corrosion from the disinfecting equation when using household chemicals at our machine centers.
The morale is high. All in all, we are meeting the challenges dealing with this virus and the demands of our Clients
All our other employees are working from home and will be accessible through phone, email and Skype.
We are working tirelessly to deliver your products in a timely manner.
Stay safe, stay positive. Wash your hands and wear a mask.
Keep it separated.
We are here for you!